Thursday, May 15, 2008

Guns Perform Toughest Man In Town

The Guns of Sipokni recently took on the task of performing the gunfight skit "Toughest Man in Town". This is an action, gunsmoke filled skit that keeps the crowds guessing and laughing. Members taking part in the skit were Miss Sherrie, Miss Tammie, Miss Carol, Pete - The Toughest Man in Town, Ortho - The Irish Town Drunk, Rough Riding Ron Asbury as the Porch Man, the Frito Banditio, The Magic Man (a brand new character), and the Marshal.

The Guns will be performing this skit for a private party at Sipokni West on May 20th.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Trail Blazin

The Guns of Sipokni welcome the newest members of our group David Allen, Carol Radford, and Ron Asbury. All of these gunslingers bring a lot to the table.

We now have a schedule of performances at the Cattle Drive Cafe at Sipokni West. The Guns of Sipokni will be performing two gunfights, one at 4:15 p.m. the other at 5:15 p.m. on Saturdays of the following dates. May 10th and 24th. June 14 and 21st. July 5th and 12th. August 9th and on the 30th of August the Guns will be at Sipokni West all day long! Then in September we will perform on the 13th and 20th.

Please make a note on this dispatch that the Guns will also be a part of Mill Creek Days on June the 7th as part of the parade and shooting it out in front of the Mill Creek town hall. And, the guns will also be a part of the Chickasaw Nation Festival on October 4th!

A telegraph worth sending to your trail pals and gals is that this years Return of the Old West Roundup will be designated as "The Year of the Gunslingers" in tribute to the Guns of Sipokni and other gunfighting groups. It's gonna be a hoot ya'll.

And one last note buckaroos...just wait to ya see the logo Miss Sherrie has designed for us. It should be coming down the trail real soon.