The Guns of Sipokni had the pleasure and privilege of entertaining the Purcell Trailriding Club on Saturday, October 18th. The trailriders rode into town from Round Rock Ranch which is south of Sipokni West. Now, it's not for certain if the trailriders knew or not that on that trail they took they rode past some history of the era of the Great Cattle Drives. One of the major cattle drives was the Western Shawnee and one of the fingers of the Western Shawnee crossed at nearby Slippery Falls which is between Round Rock and Sipokni West.
The trailriders were treated to a fine chuck which included smoked brisket, potato salad, Blue River baked beans, hot biscuits, peach cobbler, Miss Lucenda's Mexican cheesecake, and a fine relish tray. Then they were entertained with music from our own Johnny Shackleford.
Of course ya never know what's goin' happen in the old west and it just so happened that the marshal and deputy had a couple of writ's to serve on two of the notorious riders. And, those writs were indeed served.
All in all the trailriders had a good time and said the food was great! The Guns were proud to be part of this gathering on a fine fall day.

The Guns of Sipokni saddled up and rode into Tishomingo, the historic capital of the Chickasaw Nation, on October 4th to celebrate the great heritage and culture of the Chickasaw Nation. During the week of the Annual Chickasaw Festival an estimated 50,000 people take part in all of the cultural festivities.
The Guns were hosted by the Johnston County Historical Society and these folks do a wonderful job displaying and creating exhibits of past history in the Chickasaw Bank Musuem and the Historical Society building. Personally it was a great week for this gunslinger getting to see some faces I've been missing such as Vickie Luster, Letha Clark, and Mary Jane.
And, of course our lady gunslingers are always looking out for us and they packed the picnic baskets to serve us a most welcomed lunch. Gunslinging does tend to make one hungry.
The Guns performed Raw Deal first and this reenactment is quickly becoming a favorite for the crowd. One gentleman missed the performance and then said, "Shucks, that was the only reason I came down here." Then the Guns performed Toughest Man In Town and just like Raw Deal, Toughest Man is a crowd pleaser for sure.
Then the Guns heard of a disturbance in Pennington Park so they went there to get things under control. It seems the Backwood Gang was coming to town to sell some moonshine and rob the bank. It just happened the Ladies Temperance League was on another crusade to control the vile drink that turn the town men into mush.
The Guns had a wonderful time performing for the crowd and as always our lady gunslingers shined like a diamond in a plowed black dirt field. Their costumes bring so much color, flavor, and diversity to our reenactments it's no wonder many say the Guns of Sipokni are indeed the best performing gunsling troupe they've seen.