It will be an exciting year on the open prairie!
Elected to lead the posse we have Bruce Bailey as President. Bruce brings years of experience as one of the original members of the gunfighters from Sipokni West. Bruce also has experience in drama and theater from..."well, let's just say a younger day". Without a doubt Bruce will choose the right path to lead the Guns.
As Vice President we have Jack Howell. Jack brings his no nonsense, even keeled character to light. Jack will tell you rather quickly he doesn't care about the "fifteen minutes of fame" but rather simply wants to have fun playing an old west character.
Elected to the post of Treasurer we have Miss Tammie also known as Tammie Howard. Quite honestly, Miss Tammie has been the work-horse of the Guns since inception and it is reassuring to know that she will be serving the coming year.
Just like Miss Tammie, Miss Sherrie (Sherrie Adams) will also be serving another term as Secretary and she also has done a tremendous amount of work in the past year.
As Sergeant of Arms we have Pete Duffey and Joe Stout. Pete, being an officer of the court, very well knows the safety concerns in handling firearms and Joe Stout, being a member of several gunfighting groups knows the same. The Guns should be reassured with having these two fine outlaws serving in their elected capacities.
A new post created and one we all should be excited about is Club Historian and elected to that post is Lucenda Duffey. Lucenda will do a great job at this post because of her attention to detail and creativity.
The Guns also established three committees which include prop, event, and skit committees. Chairing the prop committee we have Jack Howell. The event committee will be chaired by Miss Tammie, and Jerry Stout will chair the skit committee.
2009 is shaping up to be a great year especially with some new members like John Howard, Val Bailey, Mylinda Stout and most exciting is David Allen will be returning to the Guns in the near future. The year 2009 looks very promising for the Guns of Sipokni and all who love the rich history and heritage of the old west.