Evidently, there was a telegraph line down somewhere because there was a mix-up in communications and when we arrived we found out we were expected to do a gunfight. So in less than half an hour we come up with what we were going to do.
The three of us pulled off Even Steven...not just part of Even Steven...the whole skit.
Now, this may sound like one "tooting their own horn" but I have to pay homage and give praise to Coyote because not only did she play her part...she picked up the part that is usally played by Ortho (Bruce) or Gonzales (Barry). And...she did it almost flawlessly. I think the only line she had to be fed was "Rigor Morgis". The rest she remembered from doing the skit. Jerry was excellent in his part also and after the gunfight he was absolutely beaming because the gunfight went off so well. I too had a pretty wide grin on my face.
Now, twenty minutes earlier Coytoe was throwing a little hissy fit about having to do the skit. She simply had a bad case of the nerves, plus she didn't want to blow the skit because of not knowing the lines. But once we got started Coyote settled down.
It was fun but we certainly missed the rest of the group. We were shocked that we were going to gunfight because like I said, someone didn't pass the word very well on this one folks.

The crowd was very appreciative and we heard lots of laughter. Of course cousie Wanda Sue was busy jitter bugging around trying to get the crowd in the Saloon to serve them up the evening chuck.

This was a nice sized group and they rode into Sipokni West on their own versions of ponies or steel horses.
"I'm a cowboy,
on a steel horse I ride,
dead or alive."
Bon Jovi