Initial telegraphs indicate that the Madill shootout went quite well and we are awaiting more telegraphs with some photographs included.
Mill Creek Days was a lot of fun this year and we had ole Johnny back playing with us which is always fun. Johnny took over the lead role in Toughest Man and this gunfight drew a lot of laughter from the onlookers.

Miss Cheryl was sporting a new purple neck embellishment that made her shine more than normal.

The Guns also played Family Reunion which is a more serious but also humurous skit.

As always Miss Sherrie dazzled the specators with her saloon girl look.

This was the first time the Guns have done Family Reunion since the departure of Jerry Stout but as you can see he's back and ready to gun fight.

Barry played the role of Ortho the town drunk which seems to have become his niche in the group.

The Guns will performing their next festival at Milburn Days on May 9th with shows at around high noon. The Guns are also playing the first and third Friday nights at the Cowboy Cafe at Sipokni West Old West Movie Town in Reagan, Oklahoma.
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